Boa vs python movie
Boa vs python movie

  • Super Breeding Program: While not quite clarified in the film, trailers state Betty is the result of selective breeding to become so huge.
  • Summon Bigger Fish: The premise: in order to track down the python, they recruit a scientist's equally huge boa constrictor.
  • Subverted with Betty, who is fairly docile and only attacks humans when she's provoked, and even then doesn't seem to eat them like the python. What he did to earn this accolade is unknown. He was a sniper in the military, where he gained the reputation of being the 'greatest sniper'.


    Not much is known about Foley before the events of the movie in 2004.

  • Snakes Are Sinister: Played straight with the maneating python, who was genetically engineered to be aggressive and dangerous to make for a better hunt. Foley is a minor character in the third instalment of the Python series, Boa vs.
  • A boa and python being antagonist to one another is correct as the two constrictor families, if brought together, perceive each other as rivals or prey.
  • Unlike pythons, which belong to a completely different family, boas exclusively give birth to live young. Emmett mentions Betty's species is the "Scarlet Queen Boa", which is fictional, his comment on her species being unusual in that it lays eggs is accurate. Notably, nearly all of her kills are members of Broddick's team, with the only two exceptions being a pair of soldiers who attacked her first, and even then they were largely killed by their own stupidity, as the worst she did was somewhat lightly whacking one with her tail.
  • Red Is Heroic: Betty is red in color in comparison to the green python and is the 'heroic' one, as while not necessarily 'good' she only attacks humans if provoked and is opposing the far more actively dangerous python.
  • Off with His Head!: The python is run over by a train, decapitating him.
  • Jason, which came out in 20 respectively.
  • Follow the Leader: Likely the idea for selling a "Versus" movie came from Alien vs.
  • Fluffy the Terrible: The boa's name is Betty.

  • Boa vs python movie